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Personal Financial Information System

 Financial Binder

In today’s fast-paced world, keeping track of your financial documents can be a daunting task. Most of us struggle with locating them quickly even with technology. The bigger challenge is that we are not looking at them which can result in lack of clarity, preparedness, effective communication with family and even loss of money.

Whether it’s your income details, bank account information, credit profile, credit card statements, tax returns, investment statements, retirement benefits, real estate, or insurance policies and so much more, having everything in one place is crucial for making informed decisions and guiding you towards your North Star.

Build a holistic picture by bringing together vital pieces of financial information. You can then craft financial goals and take the appropriate actions with confidence.

That’s where our holistic Personal Financial Information System comes in. The binder is designed to help you get set up with ease. It has 30 tabs covering a broad set of topics including; income, budget, expenses, assets, debt, insurance, financial legal records, real estate, tax records and many more. It also includes 5 customizable tabs for any specific needs and over 20 forms for documenting key details. It contains business card sleeves and plastic insert sheets for odd size documents that don’t easily fit the 3 ring binder.

Helpful tips on how to best use the system when discussing important financial planning with family and with professionals are included.

In one accessible, easy-to-use binder keep all your essential records at your fingertips, ensuring you and your family are always prepared for any financial decisions. The 2.5” binder has a slanted D-Ring for maximum space and ease of turning pages, front inside pocket and is designed to hold 8.5 x11 documents and is made of poly which makes it durable and can last for many years.

 Financial Notes Pad
Use the Financial Note Pad to capture notes as you review and plan your financial goals, prepare your monthly budget, use in preparation for and during meetings with financial professionals, and follow up on financial topics, questions or additional ideas you wish to explore. The 8.5×11 pad contains 25 2-sided pages with a 3 hole punch to insert into your Financial Binder. Reorder more when needed.

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